Pregnancy Care

Lawrence Mascarenhas offers a full range of private pregnancy packages, from dedicated consultant care throughout your pregnancy to later booking and delivery only.

Choosing your Obstetrician

Choosing the right Obstetrician for yourself can be difficult. It is important to consider the expertise of your Obstetrician. As a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine Mr Mascarenhas has significant expertise with multiple pregnancies, pregnancies conceived after fertility treatment such as IVF as well as pregnancies after recurrent miscarriage. As a result Mr Mascarenhas has wide experience in delivering twins and triplets; in his first year as a consultant he managed and delivered over 50 sets of twins and 12 sets of triplets safely as he worked closely with a major assisted conception unit. As a generalist with a busy NHS practice he manages high risk patients with complex pregnancies and is very experienced with nomal and operative vaginal deliveries as well as with Caesarean sections having safely delivered several thousand babies over the years.

The choice of your Obstetrician is also a very personal one which Mr Mascarenhas feels should not be made online alone. He is happy to meet you without obligation for a discussion of your options and specific needs at any time before booking.

In addition to care during your pregnancy Mr Mascarenhas will oversee all your post natalcare until 6 weeks.

Additionally, within his NHS practice he runs a specialist perineal clinic for the repair of the damaged tissue around the vagina after childbirth. In the event that any repair is needed Mr Mascarenhas will be able to advise and perform any treatment.

The practice is supported by his wife, Joyce Mascarenhas, a fully qualified midwife who previously worked as a labour ward lead midwife. Joyce will be your first point of contact and can answer any questions you may have.  Sometimes your pregnancy may be covered by insurance and Mr Mascarenhas is able to work with all major insurance companies.

Why Private Obstetrics?

Private Obstetrics gives you direct access to your consultant at all stages of pregnancy, with regular antenatal appointments and the reassurance of being able to contact him at any time of the day or night in the event of an emergency. Lawrence Mascarenhas will also be there throughout your labour and delivery, providing support and reassurance as well as expert medical attention. This expertise is invaulable in deciding when intervention is necessary for you or for your baby's safety and just as importantly in avoiding uncecessary intervention.

An experienced midwife will also be in attendance during labour and after delivery. She will assist with breast-feeding and offer continuity of care which the resources of the NHS just don't allow.

Private care also gives you greater choice of where you give birth, women can choose to book under Mr Mascarenhas at either The Westminster Maternity Suite (St Thomas’ Hospital) or The Portland Hospital. Both hospitals offer the highest levels of care and comfort.

At St Thomas’ Hospital the private Westminster Maternity Suite is located within the hospital birth centre and offers comfortable private rooms. Your partner is welcome to visit at all times and can stay with you. The modern delivery suites consist of spacious modern rooms, with all the back up of a large tertiary centre university hospital. Water births are available on request. Dedicated Obstetric theatres are available 24 hours a day alongside consultant anaesthetic support to provide pain relief including epidurals. In the rare event that it is needed the hospital is able to deal with emergency complications, having access to other medical specialists, a High Dependency and an Intensive care unit. 

The Portland Hospital is a world-renowned private hospital, dedicated to treating women and children, with an unrivalled level of comfort.

Media Links: BBC News, The Daily Mail and The Telegraph